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Frequently Asked Questions


We know that there are often questions that are asked regularly. Below we have listed the top ten questions that are asked. If you can't see your question listed then do feel free to use the contact us page or give us a call on the number above.


Q1. How much do new dentures cost?


Yes, top question that everyone wants to know. The answer isn't as straight forward as you might think. It does depend on what your own requirements are as well as the individual options that you would like to choose from. If you get in touch and provide us with your home address we can put our latest information pack in the post to you. This info pack gives you a guide to our prices, please note we do not try and hide any extra costs for the way we work as we want to be as up front as possible.


Once you have had chance to look at the information pack and are still interested then we offer you a FREE CONSULTATION. This can take as long as an hour and allows us to check your oral health and offer you more accurate cost options.


Q2. My top denture is ok but my lower denture moves, can you help?


A very common problem among those people who do not have any natural teeth remaining. The lower ridge can become very flat and offer little in the way of support to a lower denture. Where there is enough bone depth to the lower ridge then we can begin to consider the placement of lower implants. These allow a denture to clip on and off and have transformed denture wearing for so many people. We will refer patients requesting this for a free consultation to check suitability for this.


For some people we know that neither of these options may be possible and can be as basic as having a new good fitting quality denture that helps to give a better fit than they have been used to.


Q3. How long does is take to make my new dentures?


Typically in most cases we require to see you for five appointments to construct new dentures. If there is no time constraints then this is normally carried out over a period of five weeks. However if there is a specific deadline you have we can work with you to meet that where possible. We offer a VIP denture service where can offer you dentures within two weeks, subject to consultation and availabilty.

For those who have some natural teeth which require treatment then we may need that treatment to be carried out first before we can begin the process of making the denture. Therefore extending the time frame as does the placement of implants.


Q4. How do I keep my dentures clean?


To maintain good oral hygiene it is important you clean your dentures everyday. If you dont then you increase the likelyhood of a build up of plaque and bacteria. Top recommendation is that you clean your dentures twice a day, as if you had natural teeth. After you eat it is also good time to clean them where possible. 


Steps to cleaning:

1 - Fill your bowl/sink with soapy water so that is you do drop the denture it helps to prevent damage to them

2 - Brush throughly around the teeth, pay particular attention to gaps between the back teeth, then rinse off the soapy water.

3 - If needed soak your dentures in a denture cleanser, pay attention to manufacturers instructions. 

4 - You can use a denture paste for final stage of cleaning but this isn't essential, but do not use regular tooth paste as this can scratch the surfaces of the denture and create points for plaque and bactria to hold onto.

5 - Rinse your dentures in cold water before re-inserting them.

NEVER USE HOT WATER or BLEACH PRODUCTS for any stage of denture cleaning, only ever cool or tepid water.

It is also good to maintain your oral health by using a soft bristled brush and cleaning around your gum stimulating circulation.


Should you find you have stains or and build up on your denture then you can call us and book in for a Professional Denture Clean. Your dentures will get a deep clean and be repolished to be as good as new. We offer this as a buy 3 and get your 4th clean free!


Q5. Can I wear my dentures at night?


The simple answer is yes you can. However if you do then it is very important to take extra care and maintain good oral hygiene. Our mouths are warm moist enviroments which is number one place that bacteria can thrive. Therefore cleaning your dentures and mouth both before sleep and when you wake up is very important.


Best practice is that dentures are removed at night  this helps to give your mouth some time without dentures causing any extra pressures. We often compare this to wearing shoes, we know that to wear them all night wouldn't be comfortable or very good for our feet and similarly this is the case for our mouths.


Don't forget to rinse your mouth an brush your gums with a soft bristle brush as well as keep the denture clean. When you remove your dentures then do leave them in a small amount of water to prevent them from drying out.


Q6. How long will my new dentures last?


This is a more difficult question to answer as it does depends on the construction techniques and materials of your particular denture as well as how you take care of them. If you can answer yes to the following questions then it is worth getting your current set checked out and considering new dentures.


Do you need to use increased amounts of denture fixative?     Have you needed more than one denture repair?

Does your face still have good level of support, especially around the lips?     Do your dentures make your mouth sore?

Have your denture teeth and the pink acrylic part become worn or badly stained? 


If you answered yes to any of these or any other problems and would like a free consutlation then please get in touch.


Q7. Is there an alternative to having the palate across the roof of my mouth?


For some people yes there maybe things we can use to allow us to remove the part of a denture that goes across the roof of the mouth. This differs for each person and the only way we could say for certain is for you to book a free, no obligation consulation and assess your individual needs.


Q8. I have to have teeth out, how long after this can I have new dentures made?


We know that no one wants to be without their teeth, even more so with front teeth. If it is ever the case that you have to have teeth extracted then you can have a denture made to fit the gap prepared before these teeth are taken out. This is called an Immediate Replacement (I.R) Denture and is fitted at the time when teeth are extracted. These are usually only ever a temporary measure and are worn while the gums are allowed to heal and settle down. After a short time the denture may need to be replaced, adjusted or relined. 


Q9. Will they look false?


Your smile is an important part of you and we work with you to try and get exactly what you want. When constructing your new dentures we will do what is call a "Try-In". It is at this stage that you get to see what the teeth look like, we can check size, shape and position to see that they give you a natural appearnce. We want to make sure that we get it right and we can only do that by listening to what you say. We will only complete the final processing once we are both happy with how the teeth are set.


We encourage you to bring a partner, family member or trusted friend who knows you well to also offer you their honest opinion of the try-in stage.


Q10. Will my new dentures be comfortable?


We use the best possible techniques and materials in order to make the dentures as comfortable as possible. For anyone with new dentures there will be a period of adjustment. We will help you as much as we need to in order to get the teeth fitting just the way you would like them. Do expect them to feel different, it is like changing to new shoes they take time to adjust to. 


Should you experience any soreness in your mouth then you may be required to attend the clinic in order to have an ease to the denture.



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Where to find us:

 16-17 Roseville Precinct

Castle Street, Coseley, WV14 9EP


(Next door to Rosewood Vets along the Birmingham New Road)



T: 01902 664634

M: 07580 929233


Mr Peter Brookes DipCDT
GDC No: 124429
Peter Brookes

© January 2025 by Simply Dentures. 

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