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Simply Dentures, 16-17 Roseville Precinct, Castle St, Coseley, West Midlands, WV14 9EP
Call Us Now 01902 664634
Emergency mobile number: 07580 929233
Sorry but mobile current unavailable, please call landline or out of hours fill out the form below
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Est. 2015

Emergency Denture Repairs

Repairs can most commonly be fixed the same day, just call ahead and arrange a suitable time where we can help.
For those repairs that happen at most inconvenient times out of hours then fill out the form below and we will make arrangements to help where possible.

Partial denture repaired by our expert team and ready to use.
It is always helpful if you can call before bringing your denture in for repair
Repair Options
Next Day Repair Service - £65.00
Drop the denture in and we will check it over and confirm collection time for the next day
Same Day Repair Service - £75.00
Drop the denture in BEFORE 12noon, we will check it over and confirm collection time for the same day
Out Of Hours or Emergency Repair Within The Hour - £95.00
This needs to be pre-booked and is a limited service. On arrival the denture will be checked over and confirmed this can be done. If a denture has been attempted to be repaired with superglue or alternative repair kit then it is not likely to be able to fix within the hour.
Get in touch... send us your message here
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